We offer landscaping , maintenance and design for residential and commercial clients.


6 Peloquin Bay

Winnipeg, MB R3V 1N2

Mon - Sat 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM


Services Archives | Central Yard Works

Fall Clean Up

Help your yard to look great and prepare for the winter months with a fall cleanup. We will blow out your flowerbeds, remove dead perennials (if requested), haul all the leaves off your property and give your lawn a final mowing.

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Tree Trimming

We can remove small to medium sized trees from properties, as well as perform trimming on trees and shrubs to order.

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Fertilizer and Weed Control

In Manitoba, there are dozens of species of weeds that call your lawn home and it doesn’t take long for them to overrun your yard. To combat these pests we use Fiesta Lawn Weed Killer, a Manitoba approved liquid spray-on weed control. If you’re looking for adding growth to your lawn, we can apply a

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Lawn Mowing

We offer both recurring and one time mowing for our customers. Lawn mowing is done to order as specified by our customers and we also trim all edges of the grass to give it that finishing touch. Our recurring lawn service runs from May to the end of September, up to 20 cuts per season.

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If you’re having difficulty growing a nice lush green lawn, some aeration might be in order. By aerating your lawn you provide a direct entry mechanism for nutrients and reduce the compactness of the ground, which grants the opportunity for your grass roots to grow. Providing your lawn with better access to much needed nutrients

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Eavestrough Cleaning

Whether or not eavestroughs need cleaning often depends on if there are large trees close by which drop a lot of leaves into them. If that is the case, they will need cleaning, sometimes as many 3 times in a year. Spring, to clean out debris and leaves that have fallen over the winter. Summer,

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Spring Clean Up

After a cold harsh winter your lawn needs some attention. When we come to do a Spring Clean-up we remove debris from your flowerbeds, clean up leaves left over from fall and dethatch your lawn. Most customers notice how green their lawns look after we dethatch, which is a result of removing the build up

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Roof Snow Clearing

If you’re getting a build up of snow or ice on your roof it can potentially cause damage to the roof or surrounding structures if it collapses to the ground. We can easily remove snow from your roof so you can have a piece of mind during the winter months.

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Snow Removal

We all know that winters in Winnipeg are frigid and full of snow. This winter leave the worries of your driveway and walkway clearing to us. Using industrial equipment we can ensure prompt and reliable service. It is not uncommon for our crews to be out before 5am with our plow trucks and snow blowers.

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